New Administrative Features and Changes

This ADMIN notice was posted to the list on 03/30/00


After much discussion, your friendly neighborhood Mod Squad has made a couple of changes to the list.


In order to help our happy family remember our list guidelines, the Mods have elected to activate the "footer" feature for the StevePerry list. You may notice that an additional footer now appears at the end of every message. These footers will be changed bi-weekly, and will contain various "guidelines" for the list. Please be sure to read and follow the footer reminders.

We recently had a privacy issue brought up to the Mod Squad. As a result, we have decided it's in the best interest of our family members to suppress the membership list at ONElist/eGroups. I don't know how many of you actually accessed the membership list in the past, but from this day forward that list is no longer available to list members.

The Mod Squad sincerely hopes these changes will help to make our family just a little bit happier, and safer.

StevePerry List Owner